Barry O For President 2012

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Al Gore dropped by today

Posted by Barry O Tuesday, July 07, 2009, under | 2 comments

Al Gore stopped by today. You wouldn't believe how much that guy sweats.
He blames global warming, but Bill had the thermostat permanently set to
58 degrees when he was in the oval office. He said it improved his view,
whatever that means. Anyway, Gore is always sweating. He actually leaves
the seat wet when he stands up. It's disgusting....

Anyway, he was sweating even worse than normal today. He was wearing an
army helmet and what appeared to be an accessorizing vest. He said I had
to save the world from the climate Nazi's. This intrigued me, as newly
crowned king of the world, I thought I should know about any problems
with those bastard Nazi's. To quote a great man "Nazi's? I hate those

So Gore goes on to tell me where all the Nazi's are. "They are hiding in
our factories, and in our schools. They are killing us as we speak."
Well that caused me to scream. The Secret Service burst in asked where
the woman in distress was. I said I was in distress. They just shook
their head and said something about spending too much time with
Geithner. Then things got worse when Gore started consoling me. He said
I sounded "almost like a man" when I screamed. Not the way I wanted to
spend my day.

Al went on to say that we needed massive cuts in carbon emissions. He
also said we needed a Manhattan project. If memory serves, the idea
behind the Manhattan project was to kill a bunch of foreigners. I asked
if that would help this time. Al said no- "the enemy is the United
States." Cheese and crackers! I couldn't order a nuclear strike on the
United States, could I?


I actually like Gore. I don't know about all his hype and the global warming nonsense...but the sweating thing must be a southern thing....LOL

Yeah- maybe you like him, but I actually sat on a couch after him once- I'm still scrubbing {so dirty}

