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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Army Guy

Posted by Barry O Tuesday, March 17, 2009, under | 1 comment

It's been almost 6 weeks since I decided to start this blog. Some co-workers with have been clamping down on electronic communications.

I have recently learned that some people are resistant to the kind of change that I believe is needed where I work. I know that this will make my job more difficult, but together we can change everything.

Yesterday, I was confronted by a perfect example of people that are scared of change. I was sitting in my office, practicing for a speech I have to make. Just as I got the teleprompter screen set up, Rahm, a co-worker, burst in with the doorman. I told Rahm my that the doorman belongs outside the door, but he insisted that I see him, the doorman was actually from the Army. I know that change comes in many forms, so I found some in my pocket. Problem was I couldn't find a kettle. I stared at my teleprompter, but it didn't tell me what to do. Then I realized it wasn't Christmas. I confronted this Army man, and he said that he was from the American Legion and he wanted to talk to me about vet's. I told the Army man that I haven't bought the kids a dog yet. The Army man patiently told me that he was here on behalf of military vets. I said "the Army has dogs?"

It took about 25 minutes to get through this, but we sorted it out with Rahms help. Rahm understands change. He speaks my language. Rahm also seemed to have a better grasp of things, so I let him set the direction.

It was then that Rahm had an excellent idea. He thought that these vets should pay for their own medical care. Everywhere I go, people tell me that our company is spending too much. Rahm said that this was a good way to recoup some of these costs. As Rahm explained this to the army man, I sat there smiling. I wanted to convey a sense of warmth to the Army man. It must of worked because he was feeling so much warmth that he turned red! As the Army man left, I noticed a tear in his eye- obviously we had gotten through to him.

It's days like this that make it all worthwhile. This story is truly change that you can believe in.


I am amazed at how well you channel him

