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Monday, April 13, 2009

Family problems

Posted by Barry O Monday, April 13, 2009, under , | 5 comments

Well, it should have been a good weekend. We got the dogs (more on that later) and it was Easter, which has always been about how our savior suffered for us before we came to GD America to be stomped on by the man (for those concerned,we are still looking for a new church). Then it happened. my most beloved brother, Samson. It turns out that the British government think she is some kind of stalker, and possibly a pervert. This confuses me, because they have allowed Bill Clinton in several times...

Anyway, Samson tried to get into Great Britain. It didn't turn out so well. The British accused him of sexually assaulted a 13 year old. I hope the Republicans don't find out that there are perverts in my family- it's bad enough that I am friendly with the Clinton's. I don't think I could take another round of Bloggers attacking me for my affiliations with folks of less than honorable repute.


Oh, Brother! Where art thou? Lucky you have a warm family relationship with your half brother. Otherwise, he might be in jail!

One brother is arrested for marijuana, another for being a pervert. You got any axe murderer brothers as well?

Surprise, surprise...I'm not surprised.

And his Aunt is an illegal alien.



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