Barry O For President 2012

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Thursday, April 16, 2009


Posted by Barry O Thursday, April 16, 2009, under | 4 comments

Yes, its true. I was repeatedly tea bagged yesterday. Its why I was under the weather. I mean, I want everyone to like me, so I went along with it.  They were in my face all day.  I was tea bagged on TV, I was tea bagged on the radio, I was even tea bagged at the Whitehouse. The tea bagging continued into the night. Those Republicans really rubbed my face in it.  It was so bad even Michelle noticed.

Baby daddy, why you lookin so down? You look like someone just hit you in the head.

Yeah, I feel like it too. Almost like someone held me down and hit me in the face with something, over and over again. I answered.

It was definitely a bad day.


MSNBC's David Shuster, Cnn's Susan Roesgen & Anderson Cooper make me sick. The unmitigated ARROGANCE is just astounding! May it backfire, tenfold.

Gee... I don't think the view from yesterday was that bad. But mine was a bit different. By the way, thanks for stopping by sir. Tis a thrill.

Are you referring to CNN's favorite Lesbian, Rachel Maddow's definition of tea bagging?

'Cause if you are, I would think you should feel like the entire Russian army has marched over your tongue in their stocking feet.

he he he...Baby Daddy...LOL



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